A review by booksmakemyheartgofast
The Message on the 13th Floor by Winter Lawrence


5/5⭐️ and 1/5⭐️

Yes, it’s as confusing as it sounds.

This book is about an almost-18 year old girl named Meghan. Her mother is a bit of a… mess. With her fair shares of mental illnesses and substance(s) abuse. All the pressure of being a mother is being put on Meghan. But when her mother disappears, her troubles only worsen.

(Honestly the best way to understand is to look at my reading activity. Be prepared though, it was one hell of a rant—not like this review isn’t. I get very upset when a book i love (in the beginning) spirals down into… this)

So simply put, i loved, loved, loooved the first 40% where nothing paranormal happens. Just a girl taking care of her family and looking after clues to find her mother. God, this was fun to read! 5/5⭐️ no doubt.

But then the paranormal stuff happens.

I’ve seen it before. A really good build-up, and then it all kinda crumbles down. Surprisingly so, that didn’t happen. The first paranormal thing that happened was actually wonderfully written and so much fun to read.

But then around 50% of the book (at chapter 13 to be exact), it all did crumble down.

We’re introduced to some random man. A man which i thought would be some kind of ghost, or creep. But it ended up being a man cheating on his wife with Meghan’s mother. He had no character whatsoever and the only thing he was good for was fixing her money problem. He just gave her a shitload of money and that’s it. Great.

There also was a problem about one of her half sisters’ father returning and taking the girls away. This was made into a whole thing, but then ended up being basically nothing. Great!

Eventually they went to some random hotel that was “haunted”. This was the point where the book really lost me.

The freaking love interest.

He was described as a basic white boy who is “six feet tall, slim but muscular.” Wow, that has never been done before! Good job!

Yeah, anyways, i really didn’t like him. Mainly because introducing him—a boy with zero personality—made Meghans personality crumble too. It was so not her to fall head over heels for a guy she just met with HER MOTHER MISSING.

To be honest, i didn’t really pay attention after that. It was boring, i was sad and disappointed… and honestly just skipped chapters upon chapters to go back to the search on Meg’s mother.

Which finally happened, by the way. But in a way i’m not even sure I read right. Okay, i’m going to try and put this as nice as possible.

***spoiler alert***

The love interest (didn’t remember his name) introduces Meghan to some girl (who is made clear to be gay. Because no, we can’t have the love interest be friends with a girl and them just being platonic). A girl who apparently knows what happened to her mother. It was something along the lines of “a random girl once jumped off the roof of this hotel. She made a deal with the devil. That’s why there is a portal to hell on the 13th floor of this hotel.”

Yup, makes total sense. Thanks.


So eventually Meg finds her mother and the whole reason this is happening is because she hit her head and died! THAT’S IT.

***spoilers done***

I’m gonna give it 3 stars just for the beginning and because i think others could like it—since i’ve seen other reviews, and they really like it. I would definitely recommend to read those and just keep this in mind. Don’t let it ruin the book for you.

Pfff, anyways.

I need a break from this one…

(thanks, NetGalley)