A review by smalltownbookmom
Love & Other Natural Disasters by Misa Sugiura


3.5 - Rounded up for the great queer and BIPOC representation but overall I was a little underwhelmed by this one to be perfectly honest. I really wanted to love this lesbian YA rom com about a Japanese American teen girl and her fake dating fauxmance with co-worker Willow, one summer in San Francisco. It was a little too heavy on the teen drama and angst but there were a few moments of vulnerability and depth dealing with grief over the loss of a parent, fear of rejection by loved ones due to their homophobia and abandonment by a parent. I wanted more of the 'real' and less of the cheesy fauxmance/overly complicated love square drama, but that's just me. I'm sure this book would better resonate with younger audiences and fans of books like She drives me crazy or The meet cute diary.