A review by kdf_333
An Ice Cold Grave by Charlaine Harris


i am finding i just don't like [a:Charlaine Harris|17061|Charlaine Harris|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1399317093p2/17061.jpg]' protagonists. her characters are just not likeable, well maybe 1 or 3 in each book but never the main characters. they annoy me so much. i would never want to be them or hang out with them. yet.... i do love her books. i like the way she crafts a mystery. i like the settings. i like the cast of characters. i like how i can come really close or actually guess who the killer(s) is before or around the same time as the amateur sleuths in the books. i love how short the mysteries are. i like how each of the protagonists are not like most people they know. they have a unique ability or are talented in a way most are not but also have a disability or injury from a trauma or something that colors everything they do and helps/hinders them in life.

that being said. this is another good lil mystery series. i read all 4 in a few days.

the first book was a good lil mystery. as always Harris did a great job of explaining the backstory of the main characters and giving us a basic idea of the town characters. now how some things shook out in the end wellll.... she obviously graduated from the Agatha Christie school of mysteries. :-) oh and they have a mystery that they never solved that drives them also and doesn't get solved until the end of the series (of course).

number 2 was cool cuz we got 2 recurring characters that were...gasp likeable. it was basically the same as above with lots of twists and connections. old murders connected to and causing new murders. the suspects are easily identified but figuring out the why not so much (cuz she is like Christie in that respect). and some new supernatural/psychic elements as well.

number 3 was weird. i mean i expected what happened to happen but the details.....so many details. it was weird and seemed out of place. like hello i am adjusting to this new thing and now you are going to throw in weird graphic details which you did not do in the previous 2 books. ???

number 4 had the most convoluted solution to the mysteries and murders yet. it was like a dang soap opera. it was a bit much but she answered all the questions. but... smh just so convoluted. and no weird graphic details like in the 3rd book. i don't mind graphic details but lets be consistent, ms harris. she even had an epilogue type passage in the book that answered those what happened next after the murder and mysteries were solved questions.

if i had to rate them i'd say number 3 was the best one (even if it did have weird graphic details). number 2 was the most charming. number 4 the most unbelievable. number 1 well....um it felt like the start of a series.