A review by cadiva
Any Given Lifetime by Leta Blake


I don't know how to review this book. I mean, there's so much I could say about it.

How it's about love in its truest sense, how it straddles the line between contemporary romance and Sci-Fi/Alternative Reality with consummate ease.

How Neil is a complex, frustrating, brilliantly drawn character and I wholeheartedly bought into his reincarnation and his epic love for Joshua.

I could weep for the sorrow and pain suffered by both men, rejoice at the bonus love story the reader is given with Joshua and Lee and I could explain about how it jumps between past, present and future without ever losing the narrative.

But what I will say is that Leta Blake has crafted an original and compelling novel which I never wanted to end.

#ARC kindly received from the author in return for an honest and unbiased review.