A review by benrogerswpg
Break 'em Up: Recovering Our Freedom from Big Ag, Big Tech, and Big Money by Zephyr Teachout


Amazing book! Some really great material on antitrust and corporate greed.
Touches heavily on Amazon, Facebook, and Monsanto.

Really liked the bit about Amazon (below).
They sell products for less because they make those product companies cut corners or pay their employees less. So, this book said that we all work at these companies, so buying from Amazon essentially means you're offering your neighbors lower wages. Shop local!

Don't get me started on Facebook! This book really opens your eyes.

I would have given this book a higher rating, but there is a genuine lack of mentioning Apple's also terrible business practices. I think Teachout has gone a little freakout for Apple in the way of fanboying. They got lots of dirt too buddy.

The content is pretty volatile and decisive, and I found it really interesting.

Great book if you're into economics and appreciate honest business practices and living wage.
