A review by reuben_books
The Salt Path by Raynor Winn

Did not finish book. Stopped at 45%.

First of all, this book made me really realise how the coast does almost nothing for me. I couldn't think of much worse than seeing endless coast for weeks at a time, slogging up and down endless meaningless undulations. This also made the book pretty boring nature-wise for me. Give me fields, mountains, and lakes any day.

These people also pissed me off to no end - they were infuriatingly underprepared idiots, and put themselves in SO MUCH unnecessary danger. Even if you don't have much money, you could still plan A LOT better than they did. Especially if they've done loads of backpacking before?? They should know the drill.

All in all this book is pretty miserable, and I feel I have nothing to learn from it. AND it's so repetitive - oh look the coast, oh look we fucked up (usually avoidably), oh look other walkers, oh look we spent more than we should have, oh look bad people think we're stupid and unprepared, but actually we're brave.

Not for me I'm afraid.