A review by shonaningyo
Punkzilla by Adam Rapp


I was first drawn to the cover of this book. The dark shades of gray forewarned me that this would not be a sunny book, but one of emotional baggage and teenaged angst. But that is one of my favorite subjects to read so I cracked it open and instantly began to read.

This book was my first encounter with Adam Rapp's magical way of prose; it captivated me, the way the book really seemed to be from a teenage boy's point of view. The characters were all believable, and nothing faltered for a second.

The letters from brother to brother from the most current one to the oldest gives you a sense that time is running out and you know in the back of your head that he isn't going to make it, but still root for him to hurry before cancer take his beloved older brother's life.

A very good book that takes a good long look at the seediness and dirtiness of society and its grimey spots, and yet sprinkles some humanity every once in awhile to remind the reader that life itself isn't all doom and gloom, all you have to do is reach out and lend a helping hand, and that'll make a world of a difference for the person.