A review by wanderingreadingsoul
How We Fall Apart by Katie Zhao


This book left me scared. No other way to say it. Jamie Ruan and Nancy Luo could, would have been me in my teens if I had not decided to take a different mindset on studies. Asian children will tell you that Asian parents will push you to excel and be the best like it is an obsession and after a point we start to push ourselves and want and need to excel all by ourselves.

I loved how Katie Zhao captured all that so honestly in this book. Her characterizations of each student was on the mark and so well done that I found myself relating at some level to each and every one of them. The plot kept you on the edge of your seat and that climax!

I liked the subtle touch on racism and untrue beliefs people have about Asians too, that we are naturally smart and somehow don't have to work as hard as others - which is not true. We are not all geniuses, but we all do know and have been taught to do our best and work our hardest.

Overall this book will haunt me for a few weeks. It was so good and so well written and I am looking forward to more YA books from this author!