A review by falco_
Abortion: A Personal Story, A Political Choice by Pauline Harmange


I am pro-abortion, pro-choice and pro-female bodily autonomy.
This book, however, has many frustrating contradictions and conclusions by Harmange, when discussing her experience of her abortion.
Harmange displays a repeatedly quixotic shifting of her arguments, flitting between a litany of views/conclusions that were messy and noisy to pick through. Whilst this subject matter is nuanced and difficult to write about, this made for a narratively slippery reading experience.
Despite this work having "chapters", there was a lack of narrative structure that effected the cohesiveness of an overall argument.
The book seemed overtly pre-occupied with the apperception it will receive, largely due to the controversial subject matter, and the author self-reflexively discussed the creation of the work, as much as she devoted discussion to the subject of abortion.
I would have liked for the work to focus more on her experience of abortion, fourth wave feminism and the political context she attempts to situation this event within... rather than trying to straddle her intense introspection for the art of writing in addition to this.
The strengths in the book lay in the arguments for pro-choice issues, such as access to health care, necessity of community, support of women and abortion as a feminist issue.