A review by lcgerstmann
The Unfairest of Them All by Shannon Hale


I complained about the first book's toy company derived story, made solely to sell dolls. I complained about the cotton candy coated hyperbole used in disgusting amounts that sucked my daughter in. And yes, out of principle, I am still a little nauseous about that part, but I can see past it now to the messages these books give little girls. The first book tells girls it's ok to follow their own destinies. OK, I like that. This book shows girls how to be good friends. I really like that. As a mom to a girl, I worry about how girls (of all ages) treat each other. The girls in this book disagree but work it out and also defend and depend on each other. They are smart, independent, resourceful, caring and brave. My daughter LOVED this book, she gives it 5 stars, I give it 3 for a compromise of 4!