A review by capesandcovers
Going Bicoastal by Dahlia Adler


Going Bicoastal was so much fun. It was like reading two different romance novels at once, crossed with a choose your own adventure. I read it straight through, but there's definitely a way to read it skipping every other chapter if you wanted.

Natalya is such a great character, she's confident in herself but unsure of her future, has an excellent set of friends and awesome parents. And did I mention her love interests? Elly is so effortlessly cool and honest, and Adam is deliciously angsty and the banter he has with Nat is just *chef's kiss* (Did anyone see what I did there? Heh).

Besides the absolutely delightful cast of characters, there are three other things I adored. The first was getting to explore both LA and NYC with Nat, both cities really came to life and it was nice to feel like I was exploring somewhere new. The next part I loved was seeing how things played out in both perspectives, it was neat to see how some things happened in both timelines, and how confidently happy Natalya was with both choices she made. And finally, the food. It was so cool to see the different foods in the book, especially since I hadn't known much about Shabbat before. The love of food in this book reminded me of my mom