A review by prodigalstudent
I Will Teach You to Be Rich by Ramit Sethi


As a young 20-30 something who is about to start her career, this book is so helpful. Honestly, I wish I could go back in time and gift it to the 18yr old me starting college.

What I essentially appreciate about this book is that it decodes all the confusing personal finance jargon and really simplifies it in an easy-to-understand manner. I feel like so many self-help books and/or personal finance books just focus on the detail, and lose the big picture. In that respect, I appreciate the author's 85% concept, where just getting started and setting up a good automated finance system goes a long way towards being financially in good shape instead of going deep into the nitty-gritty and becoming an expert.

I think for many of us, and certainly me, there's a mental barrier to learning about managing our finances, saving, investments, 401ks, Roth-iras, retirement funds, student loans, debt, you name it. It can just be so overwhelming, but in this book, Ramit gives us a plan of action, and what's awesome is that he gives us a plan of action that is almost automated, making it very easy to implement and make better financial decisions in our life without even thinking about it. I also like the fact that the author rarely uses anecdotes to prove his claims. He relies on research to back up his advice. Overall, I'm a big fan of this book and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to learn simple but super-useful personal finance skills.