A review by lizanneyoung
Burner by Mike Trigg



What initially drew me to Burner was the variety of mediums used to show the story: multiple POVs, courtroom transcripts, social media posts, news articles. I am always a fan of telling a story in an untraditional style. We follow Shane’s story, an individual behind a social media account that has caused particular extremists to take the movement’s intentions and use them for their own agenda. 

As I started to read, I was initially concerned that it would be very political in one direction, which I wasn’t sure about reading. However, as I continued, it became clear that the intent behind the book was to show every side of a movement and how different ideologies can coopt that for their own benefit. I think it is a great example of how a movement can start as a passive form of expression and soon become something else depending on the people it attracts. Shane is quick to reinforce that his ideas and his intent aren’t politically motivated whenever it’s mentioned, but that doesn’t stop his followers from making it political. There’s a lot of social commentary going on, especially regarding extremist movements and social media, and I appreciate that. It made it different from the thrillers I usually read.

I have to commend the ending. I wasn’t sure how the story would come to an end, especially because I predicted several of the reveals throughout the book. I think the ending resonates both with recent events that have been in the public eye, but also in what I imagine is an ideal world for some of these movements. It’s a prime example of how getting out into the world and away from how you were raised can change your views. 

Thank you so much to BookSparks for my finished copy!