A review by literaryfeline
The Shadow Revolution by Susan Griffith, Clay Griffith

Original Review published on Musings of a Bookish Kitty @ http://www.literaryfeline.com/2016/06/bookish-thoughts-shadow-revolution-by.html

The Shadow Revolution (Crown & Key, #1) by Clay Griffith & Susan Griffith
Del Rey, 2015
Fantasy (Steampunk); 320 pgs
Source: NetGalley

I am likely not the first one to say this book would make a great movie. Admittedly, it was hard not to picture some of the cast from the Sherlock Holmes movies (the ones with Robert Downing Jr.). There was hardly a turn in the book that was not filled with some sort of fight or action, with occasional gore. The dialogue is quite witty, especially between Kate Anstruther and Simon Archer.

This novel is perfectly set in a steampunk Victorian London setting with magicians, alchemists, hunters and werewolves. The authors captured the atmosphere of the time period well.

Simon, Nick and Malcolm prove they are good in a fight as well as in using their brains. I have a feeling there are hidden depths to all three men that will come out in later books. I never really felt like I had a good handle on Nick. And from what Nick said towards the end of the book, I imagine there is a lot more to Simon than the reader knows as well.

Fighting alongside the strong and very capable men, Kate, an alchemist, proves she can hold her own. She doesn't hesitate to jump in when the action starts, even not quite knowing what the situation at hand is. As great a character as Kate is, however, I adore Penny Carter as well and hope to see more of her in the next two books. She doesn't appear until later in the books, but she's a force to be reckoned with.

The Shadow Revolution was an entertaining novel, a story made for the big screen. Still, I am left with a lot of questions and hope to find answers to them in the upcoming novels.