A review by unsecuredstation
The Third Chimpanzee by Jared Diamond


A very fascinating book. Did the modern humans ever meet the Neanderthals? If so, what was their behavior towards each other like? This book explains a lot and goes through a lot; evolution and history of humans and other species on Earth. Several themes included and many lessons to learn. You know that context of how we as modern 21st century humans fit into history? This offers quite a good part of that context of how things came to be what they are. It was published in 1990 so I'm sure there's more that has been discovered and that this area of science has advanced a bit more since this was out. Some of the mind boggling things you'll find out in this book is how murderous and genocidal modern humans have been. Though similar behavior was seen and has been documented in prehistoric humans as well as among apes and chimps, the capability, the magnitude, and the severity of such actions multiply many folds in modern times. You'll also discover some ways that make the modern humans unique, including being the only species to ever have the power to destroy itself completely as well as annihilate life on earth overnight (ie, nuclear weapons, among others). 5/5.