A review by rayd
Front Desk by Kelly Yang



I went into this book not knowing anything other than a Chinese girl helps run a front desk with her parents. I thought it would be a delicate little cozy romp filled with happiness and fun.

Was I ever wrong.

This book tackles some really tough issues and pulls no punches. It deals heavily on topics such as: racism, the horrible treatment of immigrants, work abuse, bullying, alcoholic people and much more. And while this all might seem like a LOT for a middle grader to take in, it's really needed and a book I think should be considered recommended reading.

This next part might be spoilery but it's just a warning in case you guys don't like this sort of stuff:

This book also deals with fighting, people getting beaten up, the intimidation of young girls by grown men, and there is a HUGE "No means NO" moment in here.