A review by wendythegeekgoddess
Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins


Hex Hall opens up with Sofie at her High School prom. She steps into the bathroom and hears crying inside one of the stalls. By the sound of it, Sofie knows that it's Felicia, a girl from school who is constantly being bullied. Sofie, being the sweet girl that she is tries to help Felicia. Although witches are not supposed to use magic in the presence of humans, Sofie decides that this is an emergency situation and that Felicia truly needs help. So she tells Felicia to picture who she wants as a prom date, it could be anyone. Felicia tells her she wants Kevin who is apparently the school's heart throb. When Sofie performs the spell, Kevin comes crashing into the hall with his truck screaming out Felicia's name. Panicked, everyone runs out of the hall. When teachers step into investigate, Felicia yells out "It was Sofie, she's a witch!". This incident soon sends her to Hecate Hall, an isolated reform school for Prodigium (witches, warlocks, shape-shifters, faeries, etc.) who have exposed themselves to Humans. This is where Sofie finds out the real danger's of exposing herself to a human. An ancient alliance called "The Eye" who's mission is to take down all prodigium, especially her. On her first week of school Sofie manages to have the only student vampire (and most hated person in school) as her roommate, become the popular girl's number one enemy, have a ghost follow her, have a huge crush on a warlock, piss off the toughest teacher, and have detention for the rest of the semester. If things couldn't get any worse, a mysterious predator soon starts attacking student's, leaving puncture wounds on it's victims and Sofie's roommate and only friend is the number one suspect.

Hex Hall was an amazing novel. The beginning captivated me immediately but when Sofie arrives at Hex Hall, the novel slowly began to draw me away. When I hit page 164 thats when the story started unraveling itself and my eyes were glued to the book. I didn't put it down till I flipped the last page. There were so many twists and turns, and when the mystery of "Who done it" exposes itself, I was SHOCKED! Then all these events started popping out at the reader, things the reader surely doesn't expect and I loved every minute of it! I found myself gasping out loud! That's how much the novel got to me! The love interest was amazing, you can see how things progress and it's not just "bam! I hate you, oh wait, Bam! I'm in love". You can see how the chemistry builds between the two character's, it wasn't rushed. I enjoyed the novel very much and I can't wait to get my hands on the sequel!
The only reason why I'm knocking one star off is because I was constantly thinking about Harry Potter while I was reading this novel, you can see a lot of similarities.

Anyone who ever thought it would be awesome to be a witch and/or have magical powers.

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