A review by davidb71
Force of Nature by Jane Harper


I loved this. It's the third Jane Harper book I've read and I've loved them all. Following on from The Dry, this is a very different type of novel to its predecessor. The story is very different - centering around a missing woman in the Australian bushland - but again this is a beautifully written and superbly well-crafted mystery, with a rich, compelling and varied cast of characters. I love the intelligence and lightness of touch with which Jane Harper writes - there's a lot going on in this book, various plots, subplots, ever shifting group dynamics, complex personal histories, plus a healthy dose of misdirection and ever-so-subtle red herrings - and she always feels in complete control of what she's doing, every strand, every subtlety, every nuance of the story is clearly delineated.  I always enjoy the feeling of being in the hands of a skillful writer, where I can just relax and enjoy the ride, and this is how I feel with Jane Harper. 

I totally got drawn into this mystery. I loved the story. I found it tense and unpredictable, I never really knew where it was going. Like with The Survivor, I got the feeling that Harper was toying with the reader at times, in a way that felt very enjoyable to me. There is misdirection in the book, and it's done with a subtlety and a cleverness to it that I like.  The only minor caveat I have - and it really is a very tiny one, and to be honest it barely features in the book - is regarding the hint of a romantic/sexual attraction between Falk and his partner Carmen - I could have done without this. It's just something that can feel a little cliched to me - a male and female cop partnership suddenly feeling attracted to each other.  But in fairness, it's barely touched upon in the book - but I kinda just wish it wasn't there at all. 

Overall, I thought this was terrific. An intelligent and well-crafted mystery that has heft and weight to it. I found it tense and gripping, and also quite moving - sometimes in quite surprising ways. I can't wait to read more by Jane Harper.