A review by cableknit
Breakers by Edward W. Robertson


After an ending like that, I'm interested to see what the next 7 books have in store! What an amazingly well written book, enough detail to really paint the picture but not overwhelm you. And clearly I enjoyed it, slammed right through this book with ease.

I now lovingly refer to this series as "Suddenly, Aliens" because I picked up the e-book copy for free from Amazon.com and didn't know anything about it. I jumped right into reading it and at first was like "oh sweet, post-plague adult story, a departure from my dystopian YA addiction" and then about a third of the way through... suddenly, ALIENS. Not really having read an alien related book, I was already thoroughly impressed with the writing that my brief moment of "wait wtf am I reading" was suppressed with "I am REALLY into this book right now".

You follow two stories happening concurrently. Walt, who lives in New York and is having a waffling relationship that ends abruptly when his girlfriend dies of the plague. He decides instead of killing himself in NY that he will travel to LA (where his girlfriend was trying to convince him to move) and off himself there. So half of the book is told from his perspective, his journey to LA.

Meanwhile in LA, you are introduced to a couple who survive the plague and are taking camp in an abandoned mansion in the hillside. Eventually the two stories merge. I'm not usually into the story perspective switching but in this particular series (and it is ongoing into now book 3 that I'm reading), I don't mind it at all. Just another testament to (in my opinion) Robertson's fantastic writing.