A review by ostrava
Agatha Heterodyne and the Beetleburg Clank by Phil Foglio


I checked out the web before getting into it properly out of curiosity, since this is from the people who coined the term "gaslamp fantasy", apparently. The Death of the Necromancer is a novel in the "genre" I would very much recommend if anyone is interested in a completely unasked suggestion.

Back to the comic: it's not great. The art is...genuinely ugly, a word I tend to avoid most of the time when describing comic art, but here it's giving me a really weird vibe. Since this is a webcomic of sorts, I feel extra bad about being this harsh, but you seriously didn't need to make it look so... clunky.

And the writing is not much better either. I was ready for some random escapism, but dude is the comic unnecessarily convoluted. Not complicated mind you, but a mess. And characters are very random in their behavior and feel lacking in any base whatsoever.

It just didn't do it for me.

I'm going to check out the next one, maybe it's a "they were starting" type of situation.