A review by hauntingpineapples
His Holiday Fate by RS McKenzie


Dylan is obsessed with Christmas and needs help pulling together a booth he has at a local festival. Andrew is a bit of a grinch and definitely a work-a-holic who has been forced to take the holidays off and relax. When their worlds collide, nothing is ever the same.

I don't read much omegaverse, but I'm quite taken by this sweet series of fated mates. So, when this novel was released, I was excited to grab a copy and relax and enjoy! It didn't disappoint. Is it predictable? Yes. But sometimes you just need that sweet story that just keeps getting better and better with next to no conflict.

Overall, I'd recommend this book if you want to curl up on the couch with the fireplace going and the lights of the Christmas tree radiating joy - and you, drinking some tea and curling up with only good vibes. It's a sweet (but still spicy!