A review by pageswithpayten
Meet Me at the Lighthouse by Mary Jayne Baker


Thank you NetGalley, Aria & Aries and Mary jayne Baker for gifting me a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review!
Ok first.... What is going on with this book? NetGalley says it will be published January 7, 2021 and Goodreads says it was published June 30th, 2017. Anyways, this has nothing to do with the book itself, just weird.
Have you ever made a HUGE life change on a whim, got well and truly drunk with your childhood sweetheart in celebration and then made a pact to go into business with said childhood sweetheart? No? Just Bobbie? When Bobbie crosses paths with her first flame, Ross, he’s hanging a For Sale sign on a run down lighthouse on the cliffside. The lighthouse is for sale for £1. That night she’s a few drinks in when Ross rescues her from lame. Their connection is still there after all those years and soon they’re making plans to restore the old lighthouse and turn it into a music venue. The morning after a shared kiss, it dawns on Bobbie that Ross is separated from his wife, but still technically married. She decides they can be business partners without their feelings getting in the way and soon they’re tackling the hurdles together.
Both Bobbie and Ross are likeable and fun characters that were easy to root for. The pace was nice and I finished this one in one sitting! There are a few moments that feel a little far fetched or corny, but who doesn’t like a little bit of that in their romances every once in a while?! This plot was so refreshing, being different from any other I’ve read recently and I’m kinda obsessed with that cover!!