A review by jai_98
Admissions: Life as a Brain Surgeon by Henry Marsh


The case studies within this book give a fascinating insight into working on the surgical front line in the UK. Henry Marsh (Author), has certainly dedicated his entire working life to help and save others however for me I feel as though he came across as very arrogant and as though he has a God complex. I noticed from early on that the book was more about his own journey and less about the people that he had helped and saved. This ruined it for me as I would have liked to know more about his patients and less about what he does/plans on doing with his retirement which is the majority of this memoir.

Henry discusses his collegues, patients, junior doctors, and his own responsibilities as an attending surgeon with a lot of bitterness and complained throughout about regulations and changes within his role that he did not agree with as to me he was stuck in the past having done the job for over four decades. Hi frequent complaints about the NHS and also his work within other countries left me feeling as though he saw himself as better than everyone else within the field.

Despite this, way in which Henry talks through the cases that are included is truly captivating, although maybe not for the faint hearted. As someone with little to no medical knowledge, the cases were described fantastically and I was able to follow along with ease which some authors within an area of expertise fail at with too much terminology the everyday person would not understand. The variety of cases discussed was fascinating to me as there were some fairly common cases but also rarer cases that you do not come across everyday.

The chronology of the writing could have been a lot better as often there would be jumps of time both forwards and backwards which left me often a little puzzled and difficult to follow the timeline.

Overall I did enjoy this book and the insight it gave me, however due to the God complex I feel that Henry Marsh has and his constant complaining has led me to not wish to read another of his books and ultimately I give 2 stars.