A review by shanyreader
Emma by Nancy Butler


See...I tried to read Emma, like, the original, but it was just way too dense for me to dive into, and I didn't find myself really into the characters the same way I was with Pride and Prejudice.

Now...I have to say that this was an okay read- I suppose if you like Emma, it's a much shorter (BUT NOT THAT MUCH SHORTER) way to get what seems to be the whole plot of the original book. However...who would want to read that book anyway. Emma is one of the most selfish and disillusioned heroines I have ever had the misfortune of reading about. I could not stand how silly she was, and there were really no characters at all whom I could really like. I think I dodged a bullet by reading this in its shorter graphic novel form than having spent days trying to get through a book I'm sure I would not have liked anyway. The ending was very abrupt (As Austen usually does--the characters get married right at the very end) but to me, there was no real build-up between Knightley and Emma at all. And everyone was just so confusing...wahhh. I kept getting names mixed up and not understanding the relevance of this book at all.

Also, the drawings...I mean, I love that beautiful pink dress Emma wears on the back cover, and some of the dresses really are uber cute! However...the characters were just...odd looking to me. I didn't really care for how they were portrayed. It seemed too carcitureish for me. And that random FIRE that just came out of nowhere. Am I the only one who noticed that? Like, FIRE in random corners of the pages? Such a weird angle! And gah. Just gah. .5 stars for the drawings. Way too bright and not my style, but saved by the dresses and the expressive facial expressions (those were very well done).

I'm sure that I could have looked past the artwork if the story had been more engaging. It's not Ms. Butler's fault--nope...this goes all the way back to Ms. Austen. I'm so sorry! I wanted to love all your books! But Emma was evilll!!!!

Overall...only read this if you like Emma.