A review by nwhyte
1632 by Eric Flint


http://nwhyte.livejournal.com/2100081.html[return][return]This is the story of a coal-mining West Virginia community which finds itself transported back in time to 1632 (actually 1631 but it's the following year before the action starts) in the middle of Germany during the Thirty Years War. Using good old 'Murrican know-how, the townsfolk develop representative democracy, religious freedom and cheap banking, and use their locally available arsenal to ally with Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden to help him win the war (and avoid death) fifteen years early. There is much loving description of a cute girl who blows people's heads off (finishing with Wallenstein), and similar battle scenes; the transported Americans make it through almost 600 pages of fighting without suffering a major casualty. Flint's protagonists never lose an argument or a battle. There is only one black guy in town and he happens to be the doctor, so that means that any discussion of racism is largely confined to the Americans bringing enlightenment to the anti-Semites of central Europe. People who like that sort of thing will like this, but I am not really sure that I am one of them.