A review by slanik
Bid My Soul Farewell by Beth Revis


Bid My Soul Farewell (Give the Dark My Love, #2) picks up right where book one left off. Nedra has saved the emperor from captivity and found the necromancer who started the plague and doled out justice. But in the process, Nedra solidified herself as a necromancer, a practice punishable by hanging. Despite the darkness and lawlessness of Nedra’s choices, Grey can’t shake his love for her and his need to protect her. On mission for the emperor, Grey sets out on a voyage, while smuggling Nedra along. Nedra is swept into an underground network of rebels who provide her with books, equipment, and more questions. Though her ultimate goal has always been to protect and restore her sister, can she resist the power that is starting to surge in her veins?

The second book in the series is set to be published on September 24th, 2019, by Razorbill, an imprint of Penguin Random House. For those who loved the first book in the series, you won’t be disappointed by this follow up.

I enjoyed following along with Nedra and Grey as they wade through the murky waters of the lines between good and evil. Grey has to decide whether his love for Nedra outweighs his disdain for necromancy. He is also rising in the ranks of the emperor and has to make some tough decisions there.

Nedra is consumed by her powers and is voraciously reading and researching as much as possible in the hopes to bring back her sister, but what she finds lends itself to some shaky ground as well, but man does she have some grit.

I don’t know that I enjoyed this book as much as the first one, solely because I had figured out part of the twist ending about halfway through. But, there were more twists at the end that had me reeling!

Overall, I gave this book 4 stars on Goodreads. If we were allowed decimals, I would give it a 3.8 or so. I was given this digital galley for free in exchange for an honest review through Edelweiss+.