A review by hannahmariebrankley
Ink Blood Sister Scribe by Emma Törzs


I picked this book up a few months ago. The line "not all books should be opened" drew me in. I decided to save it for the autumn months and really wish I had read it sooner! 

A debut novel by Emma Törzs. A unique fantasy / thriller novel that follows 3 different POVs. 

There's Joanna, who lives alone in the woods in the USA. She is the sole protector of a collection of rare books. Her sister, Esther, moves around constantly. Never allowed to stay anywhere longer than a year. Meanwhile, in London we meet Nicholas. Rich, sheltered and honestly getting tired of being blood let to write magical books. 

Nicholas is a scribe. Joanna's rare books are magic. Esther is always on the move because people are hunting her down.

When Esther finds blood smeared on the mirrors at her current job, she knows they have found her. And now, not only her life, but her sisters, are in danger.

A slow burner over the first 100 pages. With all the different POVs, you do have quite a bit of backstory to get through. Once the plot comes together, it is gripping. I had never read a book with mirror magic before. It's a concept I'll definitely look for again. This covers so many different themes, from LGBT+ to family. I am actually finding it hard to describe without giving too much away. It's a very interesting premise and, for anyone who loves fantasy, it is very well written. For anyone wanting to get into fantasy, I would say this covers different areas of the genre. Without being too descriptive about the world building. 4.5 stars and the best way to start the month.