A review by kalibussey
God of Pain by Rina Kent


This was by far- the worst thing I have ever read. I only made it 50% and had to stop but counted it as read for the pain I was put through. So many things to say so little time however if anyone recommends these books to me you will be jailed. 

Writing style- so underdeveloped. Run on sentences. Way too many commas (this does not alleviate a run on sentence!!!!).  Poor development- why was I finding out things after they happened (she was mad he didn’t make plans for her bday so she went out to drink but like didn’t even know it was her birthday? Didn’t show that conversation). 

Also why on gods green earth was she 17 losing her virginity bdsm style??? I???? 

And the fact that the author used “bejesus” more than once in dialogue should have told me all I needed to know.