A review by jugglingpup
Star Collector, Volume 1 by Sophie Schönhammer


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I got an ARC of this book.

I got this book, because boy am I a fan of BL. Get it? Get it? Moving on. I really liked the idea that this was two guys around the same age, it seemed consensual, and it looked cute. I wasn’t let down with my expectations, but in execution.

So the story follows a slacker boy falling in love with his first boy right after his girlfriend dumps him implying he is gay. He goes “gee whiz, maybe I am”. No conflict whatsoever. I was a bit let down that the conflict was literally just a single panel set up and then it blew over very quickly. I liked the boys flirting and getting to know each other, but there was very little substance.

The characters were really flat. I could get behind that if I get a feeling that they will be more fleshed out, but in this volume not a single character felt like they were even close to being a real character. They were very two dimensional and there was no reason to really ship the romance. I did because it was cute. That was it. There was no drive to see them happy. No drive because they really belonged together. It was just cute.

So I hope the series gets some more depth to it, because this reads every much as a middle school romance series. There is a hint of sex, but the characters and plots are so minimal that they would probably appeal to a younger audience than me. If I see the second volume around, I will read it. I will not be seeking it out. I really don’t have anything more to say on the subject, but this looks like such a short review. The book only took me 15-20 minutes to read while working. So there really isn’t much to go on.