A review by dantastic
Dear Justice League by Michael Northrop


With an Insectoid invasion looming in the background, the Justice Leaguers take the time to answer messages from their young fans...

The Dear Justice League special that came out for Free Comic Day was my favorite freebie this year so I pre-ordered this one immediately. Officially, it's for my newborn when he gets a little older but I had to preview it for him. Right? Isn't that what parents are supposed to do?

Anyway, this is a collection of short tales, each featuring a Justice League member responding to a message from one of his or her fans, culminating in a showdown with Insectoids in Washington DC.

The art is cute without being ridiculously so and the writing is clever and funny. Since it's a kid's comic, the characters aren't as nuanced as they normally are but Michael Northrop captures the essence of the characters.

Dear Justice League was a fun little read I'd recommend to parents of future comic readers. Now I'm chomping at the bit for Dear Super Villains, due out in the fall of 2020.