A review by nadinee24
Starglass by Phoebe North


"As I hurried down the path toward home, I felt, for the first time, like I was walking toward something. Toward my future. Toward Zehava."

Starglass follows what's left of humanity on a ship headed to a potential life supporting planet called Zehava. Life on the ship is carefully regulated with strict rules in place to insure the survival of the human race. The main character, Terra, at sixteen has just reached the age of maturity on the ship and has been assigned a job she doesn't like and is expected to find the person she intends to marry, but when she inadvertently witnesses a murder that was covered up she's quickly swept into a world of secrets, rebellions, and a fight for power.

Whenever I find a sci/fi book about the humane race in a ship heading towards a new planet I always read it because I absolutely love that kind of story. These kinds of stories are always filled with themes of power, authority, etc. and Starglass is no exception.

Terra, as a main character, is an interesting character simply because of her age and knowledge. When she's thrust into this secret world within the ship she's lived in her whole life she doesn't have a full grasp on the implications of joining this group. She's naive and blindly follows. As a reader I was immediately skeptical of all the information that was fed to her, so I was much more hesitant than Terra. Usually I would get annoyed with the main character for being naive, but having this different view from Terra enhanced my reading experience.

The reason I didn't give this book a 5 out of 5 stars is because the world building is shaky at times. It isn't entirely clear why the ship was needed in the first place. The history of the ship is incredibly interesting, however the reader only gets snippets of its past. The snippets are grounding and give enough information to understand, but I wish there was a little bit more. The rules that are set in place are interesting and I could assume why they're needed, however I wish there was a little bit more information on their formation or why they were needed.

Overall, Starglass is an exciting sci/fi read. It does stumble at times, but eventually finds its pace and will leave you desperately grabbing for the sequel.