A review by rereader33
Beasts of Abigaile Vol. 2 by Spica Aoki


Honestly, I was on the fence about giving this three or four stars. In the end, I went with four because some of the characters (such as Dario and Nina) really shone in this volume, would got more backstory on what happened to the Lugas, and the artwork/art style was incredible. However, there are, again, two major reasons why I wanted to dock it down to three stars.

1. Roy is just as abusive, aggressive, and dickish in this volume as he was in the last volume, going so far as to tie Nina up and threatening to sexually assault her while forcibly kissing her. Again, HOW IS THIS MEANT TO BE ROMANTIC?! I'm probably going to harp on this the entire time, but I can't fucking stand how behavior like this is meant to be seen as "romantic" or "arousing". And again, I can't stress this enough, I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK WHAT HAPPENED IN HIS PAST, IT DOESN'T JUSTIFY HIS BEHAVIOR. This is easily the worst he's done so far, but he was pretty awful the rest of the manga and I'm still confused as to why he's the main love interest. Guess that's just me and my old fashioned ways, preferring nice men who treat women right over aggressive assholes.

2. Eva was an absolute bitch who is completely willing to let Nina die if it means Roy will look at her. That's her ENTIRE FUCKING CHARACTER, being jealous of the attention Roy's giving Nina and wanting Nina dead so Roy will pay attention to her. Now that I think about it, isn't that effectively a yandere, or is she not extreme enough for that title? Anyway, her character is terrible and apparently non-consensual kissing is a thing because when Roy gets back from something she straddles him and proceeds to lick and kiss him without asking. I guess because their Lugas that's normal, but it still irks me. She's an obnoxious, angry bitch and I can't stand her.

Don't let the negatives get in the way of continuing the series because this really is a good series. The romance isn't strong, but the characters (excluding Roy and Eva) are awesome, the art is lovely, and the humor is pretty good. I still recommend this series despite my gripes.