A review by pussreboots
Flanimals: Pop Up by Robert Steen, Ricky Gervais


Flanimals is one of those series that Sean and I adore and the rest of our family things were stark raving mad for all our giggling over them. The first two books in the series we managed to find via the library so when Flanimals Pop-Up by Ricky Gervais came out we had to get a copy.

The Flanimals books also seem to give booksellers and librarians headaches. Some places shelve the books with adult humor because Ricky Gervais is mostly known for his work on things like The Office. The other half shelve them in the children's section.

The book is a short but funny revisit to the Flanimals who showed up in the first couple books. The pop-out creatures are complexly articulated so I recommend the book to children old enough to be careful with the book. The Mernibler page might also scare younger children.