A review by exorcismemily
The Haunting of Henderson Close by Catherine Cavendish


3.5⭐ rounded up to 4⭐ because it was enjoyable

This is a tough review to write. I loved most of The Haunting of Henderson Close. This book is set in Scotland at a haunted tourist attraction - Henderson Close is a street that was closed, and then built over. The street is underground, and the main characters are tour guides who spend a fair amount of time in Henderson Close.

Just the setting itself is so badass. It's set up to be so spooky, and I was immediately invested. I recently read The Carrow Haunt by Darcy Coates, which is also about a tour guide at a haunted tourist attraction. I really enjoyed that one, so I had high hopes for The Haunting of Henderson Close.

I wasn't entirely sure how I was going to feel about time slips, but Catherine Cavendish really pulled it off. I loved following along with the characters' uncertainty about what was going on, and I was pleasantly surprised by how well everything was woven together. It was fun to hear about the different legends - usually I am not a huge fan of historical fiction, but I really liked that aspect of The Haunting of Henderson Close.

Then we start running into problems. Once it gets closer to the end, everything gets pretty convoluted. There was way too much going on, and the attempt to make deep ties for certain storylines left other storylines with gaping plot holes. The story got overly complicated, and the plot twists harmed the story much more than helped it. I was really loving this one up until this point, so I was a bit sad.

Even though the ending didn't work for me at all, I still had so much fun reading this book as a whole. I would still recommend it to fans of haunted locations & ghost stories despite my feelings on the wrap-up. Thank you so much to Flame Tree Press for sending this one to me. The Haunting of Henderson Close will be out on 1/10.