A review by thebritishbibliophile
Wicked Beauty by Katee Robert


'Wonderfully & wickedly beautiful. Katee Robert takes things to the next level with three unique characters who are put through their paces, with only one emerging victorious. Unique and unputdownable till the very last page' - The British Bibliophile

First and foremost, if you've not read any of the other books in the Dark Olympus series, I highly recommend you do so. Wicked Beauty is a standalone within this series but to get the true, full-force effect of this world and its characters, Neon Gods (book one) and Electric Idol (book two), are two serious must read novels that you immediately must one-click.

We're back in the Dark Olympus world with not one, not two, but three powerful players. Sit up and get ready to meet Helen Kasios, Achilles Kallis & Patroclus Fotos. Three names can only mean one thing and with this read, three is most definitely NOT a crowd.

If you're already familiar with the Dark Olympus series, then you will have crossed paths with these three at some point be they front and centre, or floating around in the background. Pluck them out of the world they and we both know, deposit them in a new world due to one's pre-planned circumstances and boom, we've got ourselves a novel full of all the good stuff. The drama, the mystery, steam-off-the-chart moments. You name it, Wicked Beauty has it.

What it also has, is competition. Helen, Achilles & Patroclus although are all on the same side to some degree--which in Olympus, is a rare thing--are all jockeying for the same position with the same result. One winner. Achilles and Patroclus might have double the odds compared to Helen, but are they in their favour?. The prize that all three are competing for, however, is a far cry from something immaterial and/or unimportant, it is something that comes up once in a lifetime as once someone has it, it's theirs until it's not. How all three are to go about getting what they want, therein lies the challenge. Literally. The prize, though worth its weight in gold, won't leave any scrapping and vying for silver or bronze, its get the gold or go home. But who will be going home out of these three? There's only one way to find out.

Let the games, begin.

It's time for Helen to take back her life, her fate, and what she wants as hers. Zeus may have been the one to throw her fate into hands other than her own, but this competition is going to be her own way of taking it--and the reins--back in her control. Helen is the metaphorical middle finger not only to Zeus, the system in Olympus, but to anyone who dares doubt anyone who dares to go after what they want because of anything that is seen to set them at a disadvantage.

Alas, there are those who would rather not see Helen seek out what not one, but thirteen are all eying as their prize for them and them alone. There are only two people on the same side as Helen whom she can trust. Achilles Kallis & Patroclus Fotos. They also happen to be two people she cannot seem to keep her hands off. It's not within the rules of the game to look and not touch, but how long before it goes from touching, to feeling, to embedding within the heart. Only, in this game, there is no room for considering what the heart wants, but what the head leads them to. Helen's head is being drawn in their direction, but her heart is screaming to claim the prize her eyes are set on. Who will come out victorious, Helen's head or heart? And who will get both once the competition comes to a close? Only time will tell.

Blatantly hot and scorching between the sheets, Wicked Beauty takes the reader on an adventure right alongside the trials of the characters within the pages. Katee Robert shakes up the norm with Helen, Achilles and Patroclus, making cheeks blush and delicious shivers zing up and down your spine whenever the three are left alone in a room together, among many things.

If you're looking for a book that will not only make you scream to others that its a 'must read', but will also make a top read of your year, Wicked Beauty is the book to hit up both lists and more. Action-packed, unputdownable, unforgettable, the ride you will be taken on will have you devouring the pages while screaming for more of these three and the world they were born into. Wicked Beauty is a book that everyone simply and absolutely must pick up this year!

It's time to go back to Olympus, are you ready?