A review by jess_mango
Breakfast at Cannibal Joe's by Jay Spencer Green


CIA operative Joe Chambers has been sent to Dublin as punishment for past blunder(s). There he is managing a CIA front company called Whetsone Publishing. Whetstone employs grad students and other over educated sorts to summarize books and journals for republication. Joe works there with his brilliant assistant, Sinead (who he mistakenly called Sinbad for the first bit of working with her) and gets frustrated by his boss' continued attempts to cut costs. Meanwhile, an MI6 agent keeps breaking into Joe's apartment to steal his alcohol stash.

This book is chock full of that absurdist, irreverent humor that you can find in the likes of Vonnegut, Christopher Moore et. al. This book is not for the faint of heart or easily offended. It is loaded with bawdy humor including brothel visits, sex scenes, tapeworms, organ thievery, curse words, etc. etc. You get the picture. I found this book to be amusing.

Chapters start with interesting cocktail recipes like the Litvinekenko Stinger, which is simply 8 oz. of Sloe Berry Tincture served in a hot teapot. yum???

The book is narrated in first person by our protagonist Joe Chambers. He has lots of interesting observations and turns of phrase.

"You get the idea. Information is knowledge, knowledge is power, power is the ultimate aphrodisiac. This I am the king of sexy."

"...there was something unnaturally androgynous and depraved about him, like a balding Christina Ricci..."

I enjoyed the bizzaro summaries created by Sinead and the Whetstone Publishing crew. They were very entertaining and probably one of my favorite aspects of the book.

Definitely an interesting read that will make you at the very least chuckle. I recommend this if you are looking for something a bit different and twisted.

I received a review copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.