A review by ireadthebooks
The Fly House by Misty Provencher

Did not finish book.
The Fly House wasn't a bad book, but it wasn't a book for me. I bought it without question, having enjoyed Provencher's YA series "Cornerstone" (which I still haven't finished). This is not YA, and that's okay, but it's not a book I was enjoying.

The Fly House is about a post-apocalyptic Earth or something, where humans have been forced to become the caretakers for dragons. Apparently Pluto has life, because the Plutians are the overlords or something.

All of that was very interesting, and the plot was not what made me stop reading. The deciding factor for me was the tone and the style. This book was just too graphic, too vulgar for me. There's the scene where a girl from the present day has been cryogenically frozen and wakes up in the warehouse with a dude who has become obsessed with looking at her face. He's super creepy, watching her in her little cryo-chamber and imagining her waking up. Then when she does wake up, he touches her and calls her sweetheart and gets sexually aroused at the thought that she might be a virgin. That was ... unsettling. Then we flash to the future/dragon caretaker timeline, where the human race is on the verge of extinction and traditional concerns like love, marriage, and CONSENT have taken a backseat to basic procreation. It doesn't matter who or where or how as long as someone gets pregnant. Seriously. So Diem was raised "traditionally" which means he isn't a rapist, basically, and he doesn't want the manipulative, floozy woman who keeps trying to get him to get her pregnant (because it's a status symbol and he's a powerful clan leader, etc). Also, one of the aliens-taking-the-form-of-a-human is lusting after Diem's little sister and literally sends a surge of sexual energy at her in a field, hoping she'll forget he's an alien in the midst of all the lust he's thrown at her. And that alien's name is Phuck. I kid you not.

So yeah, that's where I stopped. The Fly House seemed interesting, and had it been done in a less vulgar style I might have enjoyed it, but this one just wasn't for me.