A review by sarahthereadingaddict
Love Letters on Hazel Lane by Jennifer Page


This is such a fabulous book, board games and romance is such a fab combination for a great story.

I was looking forward to reading this book. After reading The Little Board Game Cafe I was excited to read another boardgame related story.

My friend and I love Scrabble and this was right up my street. The story line is brilliant, there is a great balance of drama, romance, friendships relationships and Scrabble. I loved the Scrabble elements to this book.

I really did not like Leona, she makes Jo's life a bit of a misery and I hate it. She's a bully.

Poor Jo has had a lot to deal with in her life and she very relatable.

I loved the mentions of the little board game cafe in this book, you can imagine them knowing each other or at least being aquaintences.

I was so very excited to read my name in the back of this lovely book in the Acknowledgments. I created a Facebook page a few years ago and I absolutely love the members. I run the group with the lovely Marian who became an admin to help when the group kept growing, she is just fab and I couldn't have continued without her.

The members include authors and it's such an honour to be able share work like this.

Thank you so much Jennifer, you're fabulous and I will continue to share your lovely books and support you through your writing career.