A review by theavidreaderandbibliophile
Stillhouse Lake by Rachel Caine


Stillhouse Lake by Rachel Caine is the first book in the Stillhouse Lake series. Gina Royal arrives home with her two kids to find the police in her home. The police discovered a body hanging in her husband’s workshop after a car accidentally ran into it. Gina’s husband, Melvin is a serial killer and Gina had no clue. Gina has changed her name to Gwen Proctor and moved her kids to Norton, Tennessee. They have a home on Stillhouse Lake and Gwen is hoping to get their lives back on track. They have had a rough time with stalkers and internet trolls who do not believe in Gina’s innocence. One morning a jogger finds a body in the lake and it was disposed of in the same manner as Melvin’s other victims. Then she receives a threatening letter from Melvin. Gwen, Lanny, and Connor are plunged into another nightmare and it is up to Gwen to save them from a deadly killer.

Stillhouse Lake starts off with an intriguing beginning. I was captured by the body in the garage. Would you never go into your husband’s workshop? With my curiosity, I would have been inside in no time (and then gone before the guy returned home from work). Then it moves to Stillhouse Lake and the pace slows down considerably. The action only ramps up in the last 10% of the book. I wanted a novel full of twists and turns with an outcome that would surprise me. Figuring out who is behind the killings is child’s play. There was no suspense (for me). We are subjected to many pages of how Gina/Gwen is protecting her family (she made one glaring mistake). The internal dialogue gets monotonous after a while. The numerous precautions she has put into place, her hypervigilance, and multiple identities. It is shame that we do live in such a cruel world. I can imagine people posting horrible things online believing themselves to be anonymous. The book ends with a cliffhanger ending leaving readers to wait until Killman Creek is released. I am not interested enough to continue with the series.