A review by jpdubs
Wandance, Volume 1 by Coffee


3.5 stars rounded up. This book had the soul and ambition to be a great story but fell a bit short.

The art was the first thing I noticed. The dancing panels were slightly awkward, and the way characters bent while dancing was somewhat unnatural. I know it is meant to be exaggerated, but it felt off. It may be because movement is hard to convey in still pictures. I can see this being translated well into an awesome anime. The artist also made the girls in the story beautiful, and I loved the style, but the boys, including the main character, were slightly ugly and did not match the girls at all. It felt like they drew a lot of girls and not so many guys.

The story itself has a lot of potential. I think it has more depth than similar manga I have read, especially the relationship between the main character and his friends. I think that him standing up to their mysogony can be a plot point that makes this manga stand out. Also, his stutter will be an interesting point to learn more about.

Overall this manga has the beginning of a great story, just with some hiccups that can hopefully improve over time.