A review by aaron_inklings
The Exodus Towers: The Dire Earth Cycle: Two by Jason M. Hough


This served as an excellent sequel to the first book in the series, The Darwin Elevator while transitioning you towards the finale in the trilogy. Pacing is excellent, never feeling like it was lagging or slowing down. The story is riveting and hits many of my "geek" spots squarely on the nose. I mean, space aliens and post-apocalyptic zombie type sub-humans along with solid, realistic science elements help to make the story feel plausible. The characters are what seal the deal for me as I really enjoy Skyler, Samantha, Dr. Sharma and the others. The dialog is enjoyable, often humorous and don't bog down the action at all.

All in all, really enjoyed it and will start in on the finale shortly. I just have to know the point of the Builders and why they came.