A review by stephy_bookworld
Sin & Spirit by K.F. Breene

Did not finish book.
DNF 40%

The first time I stopped reading a series, I at least finished the current book I had to completion before I stop altogether. This is the first time I stopped reading in the middle of a series like this.

- that's how much it dragged on.

For a series with 6 books in total, it should have ended with 3. The plotholes that would eventually be filled by books 5 and 6 would have been filled with the first 3 books. Let me break it down.

Book 1: It barely introduced our cast of characters. Just a dirt-poor magical woman, living with two orphan teens, one magical wolf that's really sick, and one non-magical that was bouncing from foster home to another, trying to make ends meet while getting medicine for said sick kid. She meets our heroic demigod and stalks her until he convinces her to work for him (much to the kids' dismay). The ball was barely pushed. Not much background info about our character. Fine, let us move on.

Book 2: our main character, Alexis, takes the job and trains with the demigod and his crew of 6 other powerful magical men plus a necromancer to help our poor and helpless yet very powerful MC. The sick wolf boy, Mordecai, gets a cure, thanks to a rich demigod, and trains with the Six along with the non-magical girl, Daisy. Alexis completes the job but not without any backfire. See, she basically got in the middle of some family feud that was bigger than it was (because what kind of fantasy story would it be if there wasn't a bigger picture) and the daddy of demigod Kieran gets a whiff of this. Now our metaphoric ball is starting to roll (maybe for about 5mph).

Book 3: a whole bunch of filler chapters until the grand battle between Alexis, demigod Kieran, her wards, his Six plus necromancer, other magical beings, and demigod Kieran's evil demigod dad and HIS army. They win, she gets the man, and everyone lives peacefully... OR SO YOU'D THINK!

The rest of the series explains Alexis's past and her magic and her connection with the Hades line of demigods, WHICH leads to more daddy issues but from her side. As you can see, a lot of this could have been explained in three books.

Aside from all that, a lot of the settings confused me as in, sometimes it wasn't clear where our characters were at times. Other than that, I enjoyed the series; just would've wished it was cut just a bit and went straight to the point.