A review by surtadave
Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World by Cal Newport


my favorite non-fiction book ever!!!

This review won’t be fully complete until after my exam on Friday but here are some initial thoughts:

READ THIS BOOK!!! no pressure but I highly recommend it if you’ve been struggling with what you want social media’s role in your life to be. I got social media at a young age (12-13) like many people my age and it’s quickly become something I use all the time to connect with friends, keep up with people I don’t regularly see, and document my life in sorts as well. The usage and apps has significantly increased over the years, though it’s gone up and down. Ive had times where I’ve deleted things like snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram off my phone and now it’s more off and on.

I first realized an issue when I found out “screen time” was a thing on the iPhone and it told you how much time you are spending on your apps (highly recommend looking at this) and it put so much into perspective. I spent 10-12 hours a DAY using apps on my phone, one week there was a time when I spent 12 hours on tik tok so embarrassing! Granted some of these hours are quick looking up things or school or on amboss or playing a YouTube video while I’m getting ready BUT STILL! It’s very unnecessary especially when I realize these apps do not really make me happy and realized they actually cause anxiety, stress, and many unnecessary comparisons of my life to others.

There is things I didn’t agree with, but the beauty of this book is I can pick and choose what aspects of this book to implement into my life for a benefit and which I can choose to ignore. For example, I’ll definitely be keeping goodreads as it’s motivated me to read more than I have in my entire life and allows me to get book recs, see what others thing of books I’ve read, and more.

I listened to the audiobook but I am going to get the physical copy so I can read through it at anytime and literally write notes of what I want to do for myself!

Go read this please!!!