A review by blodeuedd
Valour's Choice by Tanya Huff


Sci.fi, military and action. That is what you get when you read this book. And for the history buffs out there one of the battles is based on a battle in the Zulu war.

In the future a confederation of planets is formed to guard against the threat of an alien race called The Others (I totally want to know more btw). Humans are welcomed to serve as the military as those who formed this federation do not fight. But many others fight too so in Torin's squad there are many more lifeforms, "elves", big spiders, the gluttony alien, you get the picture.

Torin is a true marine, kicking ass, liking the life. Even if she is higher up than the foot soldiers they can trust her. She is a good leader and in this book she gets to prove it too.

There is lots of fighting, but also an interesting introduction to a new planet that wants to join. Reptiles who really likes to fight, and I would not want to meet them.

Now what to compare it too? I have read too few as I can only think of one book. So anyway, if you like action, new worlds, adventure, then this is for you.