A review by elenam3103
Brightly Woven by Alexandra Bracken


Actual Rating: 3.5
Ok, so, Brightly Woven had it's ups and downs. Overall, it was pretty good.
The plot was interesting, exciting, and creative. The whole concept was really cool. Quite a bit of YA books nowadays have repeating plots, but Alexandra Bracken knows how to write a different and captivating story! And the ending? Fabulous! I think the main reason for my rating is because of the plot. Yay!

Now, the pacing? Not so fabulous. It wasn't horrible, but at times I felt like Alexandra was going wayyyy to fast for the book. It was almost as if she didn't want to make any more of them so she decided to cram a series-worth of information and development into one 350 page book. And the ending? While I loved how it ended, the pacing was just awkward. It was like we were focusing too much on the smaller, unimportant aspects of the ending than on the important parts that needed some attention. I don't want to put any spoilers in here, but at the end she comes up with this solution to a problem, and we literally have like 2 sentences to take it in, but then we get like 3 pages of her walking around the crowds.

Ok, characters! My favorite part of reviews!!!! Ok, so the characterization wasn't that great. Once again, parts felt rushed and under explored. But on to the actual characters! I actually didn't like Syd at all, at first. She was so persistent and clingy and it was so frustrating to read about her the first 3/4 of the book. But in the last quarter, I fell in love with her character, as I feel like she matured immensely. ALRIGHT GUYS BUT NORTH, THOUGH! I ADORED him, then absolutely HATED him, then ADORED him once again! That right there is proof of a good plot/character. If you can make me hate my favorite character, like tremendously hate him, and then make me love him again, then that's a good sign because it means I'm attached and care about them. Even though the make-up happened way to rushed for my liking, I didn't mind in the end. The other characters in general were fairly good.

And...the romance. Ok, at times I was like *SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE* and then at others, I was cringing from cheesiness. You have to go into this prepared that you will be overwhelmed by adorableness and dying from cringe at the exact same time. This romance is cliche. And while I love a good cliche romance (hence the squees), at times it felt like the characters in this book were in a childish version of a soap opera.

Ok, so all in all, I would recommend it. While it's not the best book in the world, it's good for read when you need something short.