A review by transportedlfl
Carry On: Reflections for a New Generation by John Lewis


In the foreword, Andrew Young wrote, "I hope you find your generation's John Lewis. This is a time when we need one because there's a lot to do." I could not agree more. I have always deeply admired John Lewis, and having read these words, that feeling has only increased.

This book is a series of short essays on a variety of topics from good trouble to justice to humility. John Lewis worked on it while undergoing treatment for cancer until he died in July 2020. I found it most helpful to read just a few chapters at a time, rather than trying to sit and read it in a sitting. I liked having more time to process and reflect.

I am not quoting any of John Lewis's words because I couldn't possibly narrow down to a few quotes that would fit in the space of a review. I found them profound and plan to re-read the book multiple times and share it with others. And I hope you will pick up a copy, so you can do likewise.

Thank you to Grand Central for this amazing book. These opinions are my own.