A review by rosemarieshort
Remainders of the Day by Shaun Bythell


About a year ago I took “Confessions of a Bookseller” with me on holiday - for me it sounded like the perfect comfort read. The comings and goings of those within a small Scottish town, centre red around a bookshop - what could be better? It seemed serendipitous that before another holiday, “Remainders of the Day” came available in paperback. As ever I found this the perfect relaxation read. After reading it’s predecessor, I so enjoyed returning to Wigtown and revisiting old familiar faces. The diary is from 2016, and I would be interested to read a post-pandemic instalment, particularly as Shaun Bythell’s life is now so different (with him since getting married and having two children). As ever, highly recommended. Granny might be one of my favourite characters in anything I’ve read, and the best part is she’s a real person roaming around Scotland, giving the middle finger at bus stops and making cardboard pizzas.