A review by mehsi
Spill Zone by Scott Westerfeld


I read this book in Dutch, but will write the review in English.

OH WOW, this book was just amazing. Sure, I wasn’t a big fan of the art, but the story, wow. Scott Westerfield has done it again, he wrote an engaging, creepy, spooky book that makes me want to read more (now if only the library I got this one from had the rest).

Welcome to a world with Spills. What are spills? Well, no one actually knows. There are 2 of them, one near where Addison lives, and one in Korea. The one in Korea was apparently a tiny one, well, if you compare it to the Spill where Addison and her sister live. That one is just hell on earth. How do we know that? Well, Addison likes to go there, or maybe not like, but she has to for her job. She is photographer and makes a good buck with going to the zone and shooting pictures of the strange stuff that happens there. From zombies (floating and apparently not that aggressive) to rats (aggressive) to monsters to just random stuff floating and doing scary things. There is also a place where everything is flat, and I am sorry, but I found that one much more scary than the rest. The idea that you can just turn flat and never escape (like that one person we see). shiversHorrific.

Of course, Addison work is highly illegal. No one is allowed to get into the Spill. No one. But Addison has to take care of her little sister and thus needs money. And you know that for money people do the strangest things.

Plus she gets an even more important job later on, that makes everything even more crazy and dangerous. Not to mention, Addison has to forego her rules to go to that place. Don’t engage with the floaty zombies, and not to leave her bike. And, there may just be a chance to see her mom. I know I was on the edge of my bed reading this, praying she would be safe, but also that she wouldn’t see her parents.

I loved Addison, she was just such a wonderful character, not afraid to say what she wants, and how can I resist a girl who can ride a motorcycle like she can. Plus, I loved how she cared for her sister, and even brought something extra when she had to leave a bit longer. Cupcakes are definitely the way to anyone’s heart!

Someone is also worried about Addison, or is it more than just that? I hope we see a bit more development in that area in the next books.

Addison’s sister’s doll was supercreepy, and I was wondering if everyone heard her, or just Addison’s sister.

I still have tons of questions, mainly about the Spill. What happened there? Will it happen again? Is there a cure or a fix for it? What is up with that Korean guy and his powers? What happened to Addison’s sister? What is up with that creepy as hell doll and what did she mean with fiance? What happened to Addison/her sister’s parents (did they die or are they somewhere, hiding)? Cna you stop the Spill from spreading?

As I said, the art wasn’t my favourite. The parts in the Spill were pretty nicely done, but I just wasn’t a fan of the character designs.

Oh, and this one was much more exciting and creepy than I had thought given the blurb. I even had to read something more lighthearted afterwards to make sure I could sleep. Sorry, something about dolls wandering around and that Spill stuff creeped me out way too much.

All in all, I hope to find the other books so I can continue reading. crosses fingers

Of course, I would also recommend this book. Spooky, creepy, mysterious.

Review first posted https://twirlingbookprincess.com/