A review by jbarr5
Beginner's Luck by Kate Clayborn


Beginner's luck by Kate Clayborn
Story starts out with three women and they're going over their day from hell at work while drinking and on the way out buy a lottery ticket.
They win and their lives change. Kate is a biologist and nobody understands her work even the man, Ben who's there offering corporate financing if she'll join his team. He has no clue as to what she even does but she likes the looks of him. She had wanted a home and bought a house with her winnings.
Zoey and Greer are her friends, like family. Story also follows Ben who's in the middle of getting his father discharged from the hospital and fixing up his house so he can stay in it as he ages and needs aids.
Enjoyed both characters as it's a learning experience: her with her house that needs a lot of repairs and him helping and living with his dad.
His dad works at the salvage yard and he has many things Kate can use at her new house.
Heated scenes enhance this story.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).