A review by mindysbookjourney
Necessary poisons by Andrea Blythe

dark reflective fast-paced


  Necessary is a collection of found poetry published by the wonderful Interstellar Flight Press. This collection has a lot of emphasis on poisonous plants and manuscripts. The poems were created by taking pages of The Plant by Stephen King, which is an unfinished epistolary novel, and blacking out words until a new poem emerges. I really find the way that the poetry was created really interesting, and I would love to try this method.  
    It must be difficult to create poems only using the words of others. Some of the poems were not as impactful, because of they seemed to lack a central story. This is the tricky part of only using the words on a single page. However, there were a few poems that were unbelievably good and inspiring.
    If you are interested to see poems created from a Stephen King text while creating its own story that runs throughout the collection then I would recommend checking out this collection. 
    I received a copy for review through NetGalley.